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Alerts & Notices (Alertas)
- Our PHFA websites will be shut down for maintenance starting at 5:00 am on Sunday, January 12th and will return by 1:00 pm on Sunday, January 12th. Our PHFA websites will be down for system maintenance on Saturday, January 18th from 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
We provide help with housing. How may we help you?
See all the stories below of people and families we've helped with housing. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our Customer Solutions Center at 1.855.U.Are.Home (827.3466).
- A home of their own in Erie county
- A millennial on the move
- Doing This On Her Own
- Finding Her Happily Ever After
- Holly needed a home loan that would work with her budget
- Hometown Boy Makes Good
- Julie wanted a home that offered her boys stability
- Linda wanted her family to experience the benefits of homeownership
- Marcus and Michelle wanted a home for their young family
- Newlywed Couple Puts Down Roots in a Small Pennsylvania Town
- Owning a home has made all the difference
- PHFA helps long time renters become first time homeowners
- The Michaels family wanted a home in which to raise their children
Affordable Rental Housing
- A Caring Heart
- Alfred wanted senior housing he could afford
- An affordable apartment turns hardship into happiness
- Feels like home in Carbon county
- Finding his way home
- Funding from PHFA helped provide rental housing that worked for lifelong friends Jane and Betty
- Nilda needed an apartment within her budget so she could continue to care for her adult daughter
- Yvonne wanted rental housing to enjoy her retirement and her grandchildren
Foreclosure Prevention
- Assistance from PHFA helped David and Amy avoid foreclosure
- Back from the brink in Chester county
- Coming back from the brink of foreclosure
- Paying it Forward
- PHFA was able to help save the Marcellus home during job losses
- Saving their home starts a new beginning
Housing Counseling and Education
- Home Schooled
- Homebuyer counseling helped Ejetta on her path to homeownership
- Housing counselor Rita helped Katherine get a needed home loan modification
- Nikki has a passion for helping others through counseling
- Putting to good use what she learned
- Setting a good example in Fayette county
- She did her homework to become a homeowner
- When Regis lost his job as a chef, housing counseling helped him save his home
Community Revitalization
- A community gets financial help to convert a historic building into a popular Civil War museum
- A Truly Super Supermarket
- An Opportunity To Do More
- Bakery Square in Pittsburgh makes the shift from bakery to high-tech office center
- Bringing a healing touch
- Harrisburg's Hamilton Health Center builds a new home to better support its mission
- Lifting up the community
- New ArtsQuest facility helps spur Bethlehem's renaissance